Grant Thornton's Human Capital division has a team of professionals who accompany individuals and organizations throughout the relationship between the employee and the organization.

Human capital is the main resource for business success. How a company cultivates and develops its organizational capabilities makes the difference between subsistence and extraordinary achievement.

Our Human Capital solutions

E-Learning Solutions

Do you want to develop your team’s full potential? Are you looking to train your collaborators in a particular topic? At Grant Thornton we know how people learn and have extensive experience developing courses. Learn more here!

Pulso: Climate surveys

Do you want to understand your employees better and take your company beyond? We are your perfect allies! Get to know Pulso, our Climate Management tool with which you will be able to detect needs and opportunities for improvement to create the ideal work environment for development.

Circle: 360° Assessments

Evaluating the performance of collaborators enables organizations to be more competitive and provide better services to the clients. Get to know Cicle, our 360° Assessment & Feedback tool that allows you to know the strengths and challenges of your collaborators, lead your company beyond and make a difference in your community.


Whether in specific dismissal processes or as a result of restructuring, we have services that allow support for both the organization and the employee.

Search & Selection

Search and selection of ideal profiles is not an easy task. Nevertheless, at Grant Thornton we have the necessary experience and network of contacts to make it so. We use several assessment techniques to find the right candidate for each company. Learn more!

Training and Development

Guiding employees in their growth allows the company to also reach the next level. Staff development and training is an essential part of growth. Get to know our solutions to go beyond.


From a multidimensional perspective, we help define the motivational package for each organization.

Knowledge management

How much do you know about your company? How much is your intellectual capital worth? Develop the potential of your knowledge with us.