People & Culture

Grant Thornton's Leadership Skills Training Programme

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One of Grant Thornton's commitments is to provide development opportunities to all our employees. Therefore, we offer a Leadership Skills Training Program for members of all our areas.

Since 2022, we have been working with the Consulting firm Skeylls to develop a Leadership Skills Training Program for our Seniors. The program consists of 6 meetings, some in person and others online. They cover aspects linked to their role as leaders in people management and team building: communication and feedback, ownership, identification of their type of leadership and its connection to the business.

“Every day we face new clients, businesses and challenges that require leaders who are increasingly aligned with the organizational culture, as well as with the skills to lead and manage their work teams. The development and implementation of these skills is a fundamental aspect for the growth and professional development of people,” says Mariana Amores, Director of People & Culture.

Photo of the activityDuring 2022 and 2023, 46 Senior collaborators participated in these mettings. “The Leadership Skills Programme provides very valuable tools for daily life as a leader,” says Gianfranco Veltri, Senior Auditor. “It felt as if they were doing an audit on us, but from a different perspective: from the approach of the role we should play, how and when”.

Gianfranco highlights that “the fact that the programme has lasted over time and has not been just a meeting, helped to uncover new conceptions and problems; and these were resolved as the programme evolved. I consider the experience very valuable and I am grateful for the opportunity and for having been considered to be a part of it”.

Yamila Ferrel, Senior of BRS - Systems and Projects, comments "the Programme was very fruitful. I took with me practical tools to implement everyday with my team, improving communication, commitment, and the appreciation of the members of the Projects. I also acquired new perspectives on how to face situations with clients, colleagues and superiors, which perhaps without this Programme, I would not have considered".

As a summary of what he learned in this programme, Mariano Melaragni -Senior of BPS Accounting- says "it is the small subtleties that make the difference in good and clear communication: taking the necessary time, listening actively, leaving biases and prejudices aside, and avoiding value judgments to the detriment of quantifiable data. If this is achieved, there are no reasons why opinions cannot be shared with anyone else, regardless of the hierarchical asymmetry that may exist".

To continue the development of the professionals who started with the programme last year, during 2023 they participated in a second module in which they strengthened skills and work relationships with their direct supervisors. One of these participants for the second consecutive year was Paula Gutiérrez, Senior of our Tax division, who shares: "The programme reinforced concepts and practices that we daily overlook, providing at the same time the necessary tools to achieve assertive communication and work as a team in a synergistic and effective way. During the module we created an ideal space to communicate. From the first meeting we proposed a different work and communication plan, both among ourselves and for the entire team. Although we already worked well together, in this last month the dynamic was 'almost perfect'. The programme helps in the continuous search to form teams with a sense of belonging where both individual and group objectives can be met on a professional level."

Photo of the activity