External audit of financial statements

We carry out the audit of the Financial Statements at the end of the fiscal year and intermediate periods under the regulations of the Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA) and local and international professional accounting standards.

We are specialists in the Financial Sector, having acquired extensive experience in external audits of banks, finance companies, credit card administrators, cash transport companies, exchange houses, financial and administration trusts.

Our work, based on the accumulated knowledge about the administrative policies and control activities defined by our clients, allows us to issue reports with suggestions and recommendations, in order to contribute to the permanent efficiency of their processes and the improvement of their internal controls.

Assurance reports, agreed procedures and certifications

We issue assurance reports, agreed procedures and certifications, based on accounting/financial information, for its presentation to the different control bodies and other interested parties.

Due-Diligence and Take-Over of companies

We carry out the analysis of the company to be acquired, providing essential elements of judgment for proper decision-making. We technically support our clients in the process of taking possession.